Theodor Baaghoslaawskejiy @Psycedelic

Age 32, Male


Stupidville High

In a chair.

Joined on 10/4/07

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Psycedelic's News

Posted by Psycedelic - September 22nd, 2012

Why, hello there Newgrounds! Damn, I haven't been much around lately.

Now, if you were wondering what I was doing all these years, I have been enlightened by the culture and media coming out from the far east. Actually got excessively interested in J-pop, anime and whatnot. I even started to order figures, posters and all kinds of junk from Japan, to which end led me to believe I was not really cut for doing much creative work; I am merely too damn lazy to do anything at all. Wait, that's a bit unfair, isn't it? I kind of posted a bunch of music.. No, nevermind.

Last year I was 'studying' at this so-called "Folkehøgskole" somewhere out in the countryside of my great nation. I chose the subject of Film & Animation (though we didn't do much of the last bit), and that resulted in a few terrible movies and lots of drinking in the wee early hours.

To illustrate my point, I will show you the project I feel I did best on these 9 months I was partying amongst all sorts of weirdos:

This peculiar work of art is about the very subject of corruption, deceit and the inevitable spiral to downfall. Or just some stupid youngsters doing drugs.

I filmed and edited the entire thing, except for one of the scenes I had to make my appearance. There are not as of now any current subtitles in English, so you will just have to bear with me and watch the damn thing for what it is.

Oh yeah, I'm turning 20 in about a week. So that means I can buy whiskey, and down it at home with all my figures and some Tom Waits at the side.

Posted by Psycedelic - June 24th, 2010

now i'm bored.


Posted by Psycedelic - February 3rd, 2010

Sup gang, update post! (not that anyone really reads this crap... Oh well.)

Downloading the East-West orchestral Vsti (Oney recommended it). I might be able to compose some shit now! God, I'm so sick and tired of loud bleeps and un-original melodies.
Also, I got into meditating. Pretty heavy shit, because you get REALLY relaxed. Got my hands on a Hi-Quality FLAC of the "SO-String" Sound. Astral projecting is soooo spacey!

I don't really have any plans for an animation. Guess i'm not interested enough, or get too bored of drawing FBF. But films! There will be plenty!

Check out my channel at youtube; www.youtube.com/poolsuporter.

Me and a good friend of mine Demonvictheanimeguy will start collaborating on a series called "The Idiot-Show". It's basicly just dumb humor.

I will be Main Editor and Co-Director, while DemonVic will handle most of the scriptwriting. We will both be the main characters in the up-coming videos. We will probably get more actors, but for the mean time, I take one step at a time.
We are not really aiming for anything serious, like a partnership with youtube or going viral. We just do this for fun!

-- In other News..
I will attend THE GATHERING 2010!!!! Norway's biggest dataLAN-Convention!

Some of our country's most skilled filmmakers, programmers, artists and gamers will join this huge event, involving 5000 participants! And what's even more breath-taking.. The network-speed is un-imaginably fast.

Gigabit network! Imagine all the free stuff floating around at every shared folder!!

Since we all are connected to each-other in giant hubs, I can litteraly just drag a HD-movie(around 13GB) from some guy's shared folder maybe 100m away, and have it on my HDD in 3 minutes! I'm so bringing my two external HDD's (I got in total 4TB, including HDD-space at my computer)!

Well, I'm off! Have a nice life!

Posted by Psycedelic - October 8th, 2009

What can I say? My day was like a turd. With sprinkles atop.

I woke up with a torn muscle over my shoulder blades, and then I suddenly started to hurt in my left nostril. Woopiedoo.

It was really cold too, so no wonder I had a soar throat and plugged nostrils!
"teh fierplez maekz it hawt in teh rewm!!!".
Sure, a few logs will surely last over night. *facepalm*.

Anyways, my day started out really shitty, but then everything got better later.

I made a video, and put it on youtube! It's a stupid update of what I have done lately.
Be prepared for some lame-ass video editing.

/* */
Other news:
I'm doing a part sprite, part bad mouse drawing flash animation! I'm intending to upload it to Newgrounds some time between halloween and christmas... Or whenever I feel like completing it :P.

I've also been bitten by the machinima-parasite! I've started to make a silly little video with Khael'Thas and a few others. Sure, it rips off the Azerothian Super Villains, but I don't care!

random pun:

Happy-Crappy Day!

Posted by Psycedelic - September 30th, 2009

Yep, It's true: I turned 17 today!! Only 365 days 'til freedom!!! hehe x).

I got an external harddrive at 2TB, and cake! :D
That was all, kthxbye^_^.

Woohoo! Birthday!

Posted by Psycedelic - September 27th, 2009

When the brush tool won't suffice, PENCIL TOOL does the trick!

I'm going to post more animations soon, and to start off the ass-in-the-chair-race, I made a fun drawing of some sort of sexually confused child.


Falling in love with the pencil tool.

Posted by Psycedelic - September 22nd, 2009

Have a nice madness day everyone! Lots of good shit is submitted :D.

Posted by Psycedelic - September 1st, 2009

You know, I really don't like birthdays. Especially my own.

Happy birthday, mom.

Posted by Psycedelic - August 30th, 2009

Aaargh, I hate my video camera. It sucks.

I need to get my tablet down from my old room.

Posted by Psycedelic - August 24th, 2009

Faen ta, nå gikk maskineriet til bloksberg ja.

Try to translate it!