What can I say? My day was like a turd. With sprinkles atop.
I woke up with a torn muscle over my shoulder blades, and then I suddenly started to hurt in my left nostril. Woopiedoo.
It was really cold too, so no wonder I had a soar throat and plugged nostrils!
"teh fierplez maekz it hawt in teh rewm!!!".
Sure, a few logs will surely last over night. *facepalm*.
Anyways, my day started out really shitty, but then everything got better later.
I made a video, and put it on youtube! It's a stupid update of what I have done lately.
Be prepared for some lame-ass video editing.
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Other news:
I'm doing a part sprite, part bad mouse drawing flash animation! I'm intending to upload it to Newgrounds some time between halloween and christmas... Or whenever I feel like completing it :P.
I've also been bitten by the machinima-parasite! I've started to make a silly little video with Khael'Thas and a few others. Sure, it rips off the Azerothian Super Villains, but I don't care!
random pun: