Theodor Baaghoslaawskejiy @Psycedelic

Age 32, Male


Stupidville High

In a chair.

Joined on 10/4/07

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1,250 / 1,350
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Psycedelic's News

Posted by Psycedelic - November 8th, 2008

Now I'm just getting pissed off!

My computer does it again! Sometimes, for no appearent reason, my net just disappear, and the only
way to solve it, is by restarting.

This is pretty annoying, because it can happen ANY time! For instance, when i chat with my buddy, we just suddenly get cut off.. Just like that!

The strange thing is, that I can still RECEIVE his messages when this phenomena occur, but I can't reply!

To avoid stuff like "I-hate-you-now-cuz'-you-don't-answer-
me" situations, I have to call em, and say that my net is fucked, and I need to restart. Unfortunally, I can't call the most of my mates (They are the ones I talk mostly to. Lol). So I have to restart real quick, and boost up Msn with the speed of Transwarp (I'm a Trekkie, lol :P)

Really frustrating, because I'm pretty familiar with computers generally (I seem like the only person in the school who can explain what a .JPEG file is... Jesus christ, one of my mates send me BMP'S when he snap-shots a error at his screen.. Why the hell not a JPG FOR FUCKS SAKE!!??)

Too bad Newgrounds swarms with fat 12'years olds who think they can make music, and try to get their own song to the top of the Genre-list by zero-bomb the onces above (Those who DESERVES the spot)

Did I just turn this into a rant about my crappy Pc, my mates AND the NG-users? Wow, I'm full'a hate.

"Hope you die in a fire"... Nice words, eyh?

In other news, I've started a little series on Youtube that Is called: "NG-Tunes". it's a little "radio show" which contains my favorite music from Newgrounds.

I know that some music from the artists themselves has allready uploaded their own music at Youtube, I know that. I am not trying to rip off, or get more channel views. I just make em for fun!

I uploaded the first one today, and the audio used was Skymarshall's "Eclipse"

/* */
Also, I've just published My new song:

GOA is the funz. :3


Fucking Hell!

Posted by Psycedelic - November 4th, 2008

This is my "Studio". Feel free to lol.

At least I did.


Lol, lol, and even more lol.. It's a lol fest.

Posted by Psycedelic - October 28th, 2008

Hiyah gang!

I've started drawing some Psychedelic art! You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that my username was affected by my love to Psykedelika ;)

I was bored in class (Automation is C R A to the P for me. Butterscotch, yo!). Doodling is something everyone would do in such situations, so guess what I did? Duh.

I didn't think. I just let my hand get it's own will, and started to draw some weird stuff.. I lol'd at the result. However, I got plenty of "WoW's around me when they got a look at it xD

I personally think it's crap, but at least an start, don't you think?
Remember: Never buy ritalin, unless it's from a apotechary in Mexico. :)

* I've published Brisingr[v.2]! Go check it out !!
** Brisingr[v.3] is out NOW !! CLICK ME !!!
*** Look at my thread with Psychedelics! Feel free to put up your own creations as well! No, CLICK ME !!!

Fancy New art?

Posted by Psycedelic - October 24th, 2008

Sometimes, I which I could just go buy a new computer, and use a slegdehammer on this one..

Yeah, you probably know what I am talking about.. Errors, incompatible software, stuff like that.
But that's not the biggest problem (yet!)

My battery inside my lap-top is the number one bitch ass motherfucker in the entire universe. Worse than rapists and Osama Bin Laden compared.

You see, if I don't connect direct power to the computer at all times, it will only take, yeah, 1-2 minz before it suddenly turns off (Like you cut the power to a lightbulb or something..)

Fuck you, computer!
In other news, I have recently started on a new song, called "Brisingr". I call it Brisingr because I just bought the new Eragon book (It's FUCKING AWESOME!).
It will be a Trance/Techno track, which I PROMISE to work on! Beatsource used 3 weeks and a half on Clubland, so why can't I use a month on this?

Stay tuned folks!

Posted by Psycedelic - October 14th, 2008

Yup! I'm currently working on a new animation! My tablet is handy ^^

.. Look at all my money! *Greedy smile*

Making new stuff!

Posted by Psycedelic - October 8th, 2008

Today, I will teach you about mushrooms!

First off, I will introduce you to a friendly fellow, called Psilocybe Semilanceata!

Psilocybe Semilanceata is a common mushroom in Norway, and is harvested every autumn, after the very first night of the sparkling Frost.

Every 20th October, a big feast in respect of tradition (That goes way back to the dark ages) is being held, deep into the dark woods of Nordmarka.
Everyone who participates, eats this delicious fruit of the earth, and experiences the "Joy of Gaia", as many of the Northfolks describes it.

As the codex of the tradition says, a big bun-fire is ignited in the middle of the festivities 12 o'clock. In the Bun-fire, there's a 3 meters tall pole. Before the Bun-fire is lit, a young virgin is being picked out by the most "Spiritual affected" participant of the party. The virgin (It can be both male and female) is being tied up to the pole, and the sacreficed to Odin, a God in Northern mythology. The procedure is obvious: Burn the Virgin alive. While the sacrefice is burned until he/she is fried all the way through, the crowd cheers, and dances to Saga's (mostly Goa Trance) composed by German Dj's.

Please visit Norway, and this special event this month! You won't regret..

What do you wanna know?

Posted by Psycedelic - September 27th, 2008


1. Go a Goa Trance Party in India or Hawaii
2. Speak to Tom Fulp and the rest of the staff IRL
3. Have a Lucid Dream
4. Get front page with a flash i made
5. Make a Goa Trance track which last at least a hour
6. Become a NG audio mod ;D

Posted by Psycedelic - September 24th, 2008

I'm doing a lil' project right now that I call "Tankmen 7.0"!

It'll be out before Christmas (I hope!). Hope you don't jugde me too hard because I use Tankmen sprites! I mean, the storyline is everything, right? xD

Oh, don't bother the text.. It's for me to easier synq the lips ;D

Here's a Preview! :

Tankmen 7!!! :D

Posted by Psycedelic - September 14th, 2008

EA games sucks ass. FUCK YOU!

Posted by Psycedelic - August 22nd, 2008

/* */
I swear, I had nothing better to do.

And.. Yeah, that's me in the corner.. Glasses.. *EMO!*