Sometimes, I which I could just go buy a new computer, and use a slegdehammer on this one..
Yeah, you probably know what I am talking about.. Errors, incompatible software, stuff like that.
But that's not the biggest problem (yet!)
My battery inside my lap-top is the number one bitch ass motherfucker in the entire universe. Worse than rapists and Osama Bin Laden compared.
You see, if I don't connect direct power to the computer at all times, it will only take, yeah, 1-2 minz before it suddenly turns off (Like you cut the power to a lightbulb or something..)
Fuck you, computer!
In other news, I have recently started on a new song, called "Brisingr". I call it Brisingr because I just bought the new Eragon book (It's FUCKING AWESOME!).
It will be a Trance/Techno track, which I PROMISE to work on! Beatsource used 3 weeks and a half on Clubland, so why can't I use a month on this?
Stay tuned folks!
Fuck UR computer!
Lols, yawh