Age 32, Male
Stupidville High
In a chair.
Joined on 10/4/07
OneWhoListens 2008-12-15 02:51:56
That's a tight budget? Dude, I got nothin, and I want a vid camera more than almost anything. I have recently looked into stuff like this, and here are a couple of suggestions: Panasonic PV-GS80 MiniDV - ~$350 Sony DCR-SR42 30GB Hard Disk Drive Handycam Camcorder - ~$599 These, coincidentally, seem to fall on the high and low of the range you mentioned. Both of these can be found on amazon: <a href=""> 80-Camcorder-Optical-Stabilized/dp/B0 00M4F9GO/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=ele ctronics&qid=1213374545&sr=1- 8</a> <a href=""> andycam-Camcorder-Optical/dp/B000M3LJ 5U/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=electroni cs&qid=1213374801&sr=1-2</a> Also, do some research here: <a href=""> /search_techspecs_full.php/masterid=6 4094791/st=product_tab/</a> Good luck! Btw, love your profile pic.
Psycedelic 2008-12-15 02:51:56
Wow, thanks a lot dude! The Sony DCR-SR42 is just what I'm looking for! And thanks for loving my profile pic ;D (Photoshawp and flæsh futuwuh ^^)
That's a tight budget? Dude, I got nothin, and I want a vid camera more than almost anything.
I have recently looked into stuff like this, and here are a couple of suggestions:
Panasonic PV-GS80 MiniDV - ~$350
Sony DCR-SR42 30GB Hard Disk Drive Handycam Camcorder - ~$599
These, coincidentally, seem to fall on the high and low of the range you mentioned.
Both of these can be found on amazon:
<a href=""> 80-Camcorder-Optical-Stabilized/dp/B0 00M4F9GO/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=ele ctronics&qid=1213374545&sr=1-
<a href=""> andycam-Camcorder-Optical/dp/B000M3LJ 5U/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=electroni cs&qid=1213374801&sr=1-2</a>
Also, do some research here:
<a href=""> /search_techspecs_full.php/masterid=6 4094791/st=product_tab/</a>
Good luck!
Btw, love your profile pic.
Wow, thanks a lot dude! The Sony DCR-SR42 is just what I'm looking for!
And thanks for loving my profile pic ;D (Photoshawp and flæsh futuwuh ^^)